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IT’S HAPPENING: The Democratic Party Is Facing HUGE COLLAPSE – Dems. CRY FOR HELP

While Barack Obama was in the Office, the mainstream media have created image about the Democratic Party where they were represented as supremely powerful party.

Now the truth is exposed and it’s painful for the Democratic Party. According to the reports they are crumbuling from within and they are facing with collapse.

As soon as Donald Trump won the presidency some Democrats pointed out that the party is failing down.

The Atlantic made it pretty clear: The Democratic Party is “kind of screwed.”

This from Poynter, citing journalists Molly Ball (The Atlantic) and Nia-Malika Henderson (CNN), speaking during the annual convention of the Midwest Political Science Association:

“‘I think the Democrats are kind of screwed at this point,’ said Henderson, underscoring what’s clearly the current consensus. ‘They thought Hillary Clinton would win and their bench is really, really thin.’

CNN’s Henderson wasn’t alone in this observation. The Atlantic’s Molly Ball agreed:

‘It will be fun to cover the Democratic civil war for a change,’ she said. ‘It’s hard to underestimate how screwed the Democrats are.‘”

Then they came up with a conclusion that there is “no pipeline” of obvious Democratic talent.

According to many people the Democratic Party finally got what they deserve. They should have stood up for America instead of choosing an Obama agenda. When corruption runs rampant in any organization, it cannot last. Such is the Democratic Party.

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About alexandra

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